Choose Italian Itinerary if you:

Hidden gems in Italy

Crave an Authentic, Off-the-Beaten-Path Experience:

If you’re yearning for an experience beyond the touristy trail, Italian Itinerary specializes in crafting journeys that immerse you in the authentic charm of Italy’s hidden gems.

Delight in Connecting with Locals:

Revel in meeting locals and share your passion for absorbing their culture and insights. Whether you’re a beginner or fluent in Italian, the opportunity to practice the language awaits.

Local market in Italy

Desire Exclusive Access to Slow Food and Local Delights:

Italian Itinerary opens the door to exclusive encounters with slow food, exquisite local wines, and authentic Italian experiences, ensuring your journey is a culinary and cultural delight.

Appreciate Stress-Free Travel and Quality Experiences:

If stress-free travel and a focus on the quality of your experience resonate with you, Italian Itinerary is your ideal choice. Embrace the #slowtravel philosophy for a truly enriching exploration.

Choose Italian Itinerary

Tap into Linda’s 40+ Years of Passion for Italy:

Benefit from Linda’s enduring love affair with Italy, spanning over 40 years. Trust Italian Itinerary to curate your personalized Italian #slowtravel experience, and prepare to be astonished.


To find out more, fill out our DESIGN YOUR ITINERARY form and we’ll be in touch, or email us directly at contact@italianitinerary.com.

A presto! (See you soon!)